Herman Moll (1655-1732)
ATR žemėlapis 1709 m.
20 x 18,5 cm.
ID: 2400
Iš „The Compleat geographer, or, The chorography and topography of all the known parts of the earth to which is premis’d an introduction to geography, and a natural history of the earth and the elements … to which are added maps of every country, fairly engraven on copper, according to the latest surveys, and newest discoveries, most engrav’d by Herman Moll ”
London, Printed for Awnsham and John Churchill … and Timothy Childe, 1709
Herman Moll (1654–1732) ATR žemėlapis ...
Herman Moll (1654–1732) ATR žemėlapis ...
Herman Moll (1654–1732) ATR žemėlapis ...
Herman Moll (1654–1732) ATR žemėlapis ...
Herman Moll (1655-1732) ATR žemėlapis...
Herman Moll (1655-1732) Daniel de...
Herman Moll (1654–1732) ATR žemėlapis ...
Herman Moll (1655-1732) ATR žemėlapis...
Herman Moll (1654–1732) ATR žemėlapis ...