John Bowles (1701-1779)
William Berry (1639–1718)
Guillaume Sanson (1633-1703)
Alexis Hubert Jaillot (1632-1712)
ATR žemėlapis 1744 m.
53 x 86 cm.
ID: 1537
„The Territories of the Crown of Poland subdivided into their Severall Palatinates which comprehends the Kingdom of Poland, The Great Dukedom of Lithuania, The Dukedoms of Prussia, Samogitia, Mazovia, The Provinces of Volhynia, and of Podolia in which is comprehended Ukrain or the Country of the Cosaques”
„Poland Subdivided According to the Extent of its Severall Palatinates / To the Most Serene and Most Sacred Majesty of GEORGE II by the Grace of God KING of Great Brttain France Ireland , This Map mof POLAND is hum bly Dedicated , and Presented By your Majesties Loyal Subject and Servant / Iohn Bowles ”
„Before 1657 Ducal Prussia was held by the Duke of Brandenburg as a Vassal to the Crown of Poland, but in that Year his Son Frederick William obtain’d by Treaty the full Sovereignty of the Country on condition that upon Failure of their Heirs it should return to the Poles, and become a Fief of their Crown; and in 1700 Frederick son to Frederick William the Great was with unusual Solemnity proclaimed King of Prussia in contempt of Pope Clement 11th’s opposition. So that it ceased to be Ducal and is now the Kingdom of Prussia” – tekstas žemėlapyje apie Prūsiją.
Guillaume Sanson, Alexis Hubert Jaillot, William Berry žemėlapių perdirbinys, išleistas Londone. Pirmoji William Berry žemėlapio laida yra didžiausias Anglijoje Lenkijos / Lietuvos iki tol publikuotas ATR žemėlapis.
Tai yra ypač retas žemėlapis, pirmą kartą paskelbtas ir katologuotas Ashley Baynton Williams 2013 metais Londone antikvarinių knygų parodoje ( Antiquarian Book Fair)
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Guillaume Sanson (1633-1703) Nicolas Sanson...
Guillaume Sanson (1633-1703) Nicolas Sanson...
Pierre ( Pieter) Mortier (1661-1711)...
Pierre ( Pieter) Mortier (1661-1711)...