1758 E. Bowen „Poland”

Emanuel Bowen (1694-1767)

ATR  žemėlapis,  1758 m.


9.4 x 6,3 cm

ID: 1577

Kategorija: > > > >

Iš „Atlas minimus, or, A new set of pocket maps of the several empires, kingdoms and states of the known world : with historical extracts relative to each / drawn and engrav’d by J. Gibson from the best authorities ; revis’d, corrected and improv’d by Eman. Bowen, Geographer to His Majesty”, London : Publish’d accordg. to Act of Parlt. … & sold by J. Newbery …., Jany. 2d. 1758   Su 52  žemėlapiais

Žinomi trys 1758 metų Sausio 2 dienos atlaso leidimai.

Antra atlaso laida pasirodė  1774 metais, perspausdinta 1779 metais.

Graveris John Gibson ( 1750-1792 )

Pirma laida



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