1775 G. Bowles „Bowles New pocket Map of the Kingdom of Poland…”

Carington Bowles (1724-1793)

John Bowles (1701-1779)

Johann Tobias Mayer (1723-1762)

ATR žemėlapis 1775 m.

45,7x 53.7 cm.

ID: 2128

Kategorija: > > > > > >

„Bowles New pocket Map of the Kingdom of Poland and the Grand Dutchy of Lithuania: lately Improved from Job. Mayer. of the Cosmographical Society of Nuremberg”  Printed for the Proprietor  Carington Bowles in S.’Pauls ChurchYard .

1750 metų  Johann Tobias Mayer žemėlapio perdirbinys.

Iš „Bowles’s Universal Atlas: Being a Complete Collection of New and Accurate Maps, of all the Known Countries in the World; displaying the Whole Surface of the Terraqueous Globe, Laid Down from Correct Surveys, New Discoveries, and Authentic Documents” London

Išleido J.Bowles ir C.Bowles . Bowles šeima aktyviai leido ir pardavinėjo žemėlapius 1714 – 1832 metais. Jų knygynas vadinosi „Black Horse Bowles”

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